Pattern of survival

She wrote the story and she mailed it to the editor
She delivered it herself and approved its publication. Now she
Runs to the bookstore and points her finger to the copy
Of her book in the window, but she knows
That she’s the only one who can see it

It does exist
For you at least
It’s what you feel
That makes it real

This is just another pattern
A pattern of survival
Just another crazy pattern
A pattern of survival

He spends his days and nights accumulating knowledge
Which he loves to share with the many friends he’s got
When he saw the freak on that video of him,
He realized that nobody ever could
Have understood one word he had spoken

If you exist
For you at least
It’s what you feel
That makes you real


“Pattern for survival” is a short story written by Richard Matheson, first published in 1955. The first verse of this song is inspired by this fascinating story.


Fabio Scagliola,